So I realized that I forgot to tell you, last week was transfer week! My great companion Elder S headed out to train in Namur, a little city in the south of Belgium, and I received Elder T as my new companion! He is a super cool guy from Tremonton, Utah. He likes soccer, wood working and serving the Lord. He's just one transfer younger that I am so, we've got a lot of learning to do, but we are gonna rock it here. This week went really well! One of the coolest things that happened was that we were able to fix a baptismal date with one of our amis! He is an old investigator from 2012, but he came to church on his own last week and we got to talking. We taught him with a family from our ward this week, then yesterday he accepted the invitation to be baptised on the 15th. The really cool thing that I noticed was the visible change in him. He was more and more prepared by the Lord each time to accept this invitaion so when it came, he was ready. It's so cool to be able to help people make these eternity changing steps in their lives and I'm super grateful to be a missionary! Sometimes it surprises me that the Lord would entrust a bunch of young kids with such a sacred responsibility, but He really knows what He's doing, because it works! Lately we've been getting back in contact with lots of old investigators too and it's been going really well. We've been focusing a lot on really working for the right reasons and inviting people to come unto Christ and it's cool to see the difference. Often, it's easy to get caught up in the "numbers" aspect of things but when you really work out of love for others and leave the numbers aside, the work goes so much better. Not only do you feel better about all your efforts but you also do see your numbers get better! We've been teaching a lot lately and it's a huge blessing to work here at this time right now. Our ward is so awesome that they chose to use basically the whole month of January to teach about missionary work in church, and yesterday at Ward Conference, they talked about missionary work as well. Europe is so ready for the gospel!
I am pretty short on time for this week so I've got to go, but thank you for all that you do and keep praying for the missionary work to progress! I love ya a lot, and I love being a missionary. Talk to you soon!
Elder Wood