Yo Yo Family!!!
WOOHOO!! How is everything going for you all?! I really love getting your letters and emails and packages and everything, It's so fun! Like a little present every time. Carley, you have dance concert this week! I can't wait to hear how it goes and I wish I could see it! Good Luck!! And Dad, a paddle board?! haha no way.. that's so cool. I call first ride Lake Powell 2015!
Moral is high here at the MTC. For me at least :). I don't see why everybody thinks it's so lame! You get as much food as you want, everyone is way nice and cool and you get to learn about the gospel all day, every day. Way sweet. But Mom asked me to send more of a daily schedule of what we do, so here ya go:
6:30 arise and prepare ( I get up at 6:15 so I don't have to wait for a shower)
7:30 breakfast
8:00 class untill 11:00
12:15 lunch
1:00 Language study of some sort
2:00 gym (foursquare time)
3:30 additional study
4:00 some other form of gospel/language study
5:15 Dinner
6:00 class until 9:00
9:30 prepare for bed
10:30 lights out. (we try..)
Throw in a couple extra additional study times, comp and personal study, planning time and a service project and that's basically what the MTC is like. Sundays are way cool too. They are a lot more relaxed and the spirit is very strong.
I get to see Elder Townsend and Elder Marse from time to time, and it's very comforting. I love seeing them. It's comparable to seeing a Pikachu on your first trip to the Veridian forest, it's your favorite pokemon and you gotta catch it, but it's very rare.
That's cool that Chelsea is home! In French we also say Nephi like NEFI (neyphee) But I'm glad she's home. Tell her and Jackson I said Hello!
Funny story of this week. After the devotional on Sunday nights we get to stay and watch a gospel movie. Sometimes it's in French, but this sunday we got to watch Legacy in English. Before the movie started someone with some authority stood up and asked that everyone refrain from hooting or hollering at the movie because it was a church production. The audience agreed and they started the movie. About half way through the love story starts to unfold, and everyone went nuts. It was like it was the most scandalous/hilarious movie anyone had ever seen, and when the two main characters kissed for the first time... I've never been in a more rambunctious group! Everyone was laughing and crying and talking about how much they missed their significant others. Gotta love a bunch of love sick missionaries. (Not me, I genuinely enjoyed it.)
On a more spiritual note, I had my first really cool experience with French this week. During class we have lots of surprise role plays that are always in only French. I usually get pretty scared for these, so naturally when my teacher announced that we would be doing one, I was terrified. Elder Colindres and I were the missionaries, and Soeur Carter was the investigator. We started trying to share about the Book of Mormon, and suddenly when it was my turn to talk i could just talk. It wasn't like fluent french or anything, but what i knew all came back and i was able to feel the spirit as we testifies of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon in a different language. This also happened in lessons with our investigator this week. One of our investigators is Danielle ( our sister teacher ) and the other is Morgan ( our brother teacher who plays a 9 year old and it's quite hilarious). But during the lessons we struggle through the French, and normally I can't understand much of what is said. But when it comes to my turn to testify, I know exactly what to say and the spirit is always very strong.
The spirit works in such cool ways. I would challenge everyone at home to try and learn how the spirit works with them! It will help you in times of need and your spiritual growth will increase if you know how to communicate with it.
Well, I am far over my 30 minute time limit, so I must go. And sorry my letters aren't that good, I'll try to get better. But I love you all so much!! Thank you for all that you've done for me, I miss you so much! I'll talk to you next week!
Love, Elder Wood
The Paris, France District
Elder Wood and comp
District, notice how many Sisters?
Elder Wood and fellow French missionary
Getting his shots!
In San Fransico